Recently, actor Vikrant Massey was appointed as an official friend for the prestigious Swiss watch brand Longines, in India. The brand, which is known for its quality of products, has appointed an Indian face, with Vikrant being one of the rare male actors to be one. And now, he will be seen representing as a ‘friend’ of the Swiss watch brand who are the official partner and timekeeper of 2022 Common Wealth Games in Birmingham (England).
Vikrant Massey and ace swimmer Sajan Prakash celebrated the launch of the Longines Hydro Conquest XXII Commonwealth Games Watch in India in Delhi. Sharing his excitement Vikrant shares “I really wish Sajan Prakash all the very best and keep my fingers crossed that he gets us the medals with his spell at the Games. As a proud Indian, I would love to see India at the top of the medal tally.”
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Vikrant Massey, who started his career with television, has gone to become quite popular inn Bollywood and OTT platforms too. Speaking of his films, he is all set to be seen in Gaslight with Sara Ali Khan and Dinesh Vijan’s Sector 36.