Actor-producer John Abraham and his wife Priya Runchal have tested positive for COVID-19. The couple is currently home quarantined and experiencing mild symptoms. Sharing the news on Instagram Stories on Monday, the actor revealed that he came in contact with a Covid positive person a few days ago.
On Monday, he wrote, "I came in contact 3 days ago with someone who I later learned had Covid. Priya and I have tested positive for Covid. We have been quarantined at home so haven't been in contact with anyone else."
"We are both vaccinated and experienced mild symptoms. Please stay well and healthy. Masks up," he added.
The news comes in after several other Bollywood actors including Mrunal Thakur, Nora Fatehi, Shilpa Shirodkar, Arjun Kapoor have tested positive for Covid-19. Last week, producer Rhea Kapoor and her husband Karan Boolani, Arjun's sister Anshula Kapoor tested positive as well.
ALSO READ: John Abraham shares rare pictures with wife Priya Runchal on his birthday