Five years since he was last seen on the big screen in India, Pakistani actor Fawad Khan is returning but a digital series. Reuniting with Sanam Saeed, the actors will be seen together eight years after their hit series Zindagi Gulzar Hai. The yet-to-be-titled show, to be streamed on ZEE5, will be directed by Asim Abbasi, known for Cake and recent critically-acclaimed Churails.
On December 15, Zee Zindagi shared the first look of the series starring the lead stars Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed. "We are excited to announce that #FawadKhan and #SanamSaeed will star in Asim Abbasi's upcoming Zindagi Original."
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The yet-to-be-titled series chronicles magical realism and supernatural fantasy within a family reunion setting. It deals with the themes of love, loss, and reconciliation. The actor plays the role of a single parent who is charming but struggling with the guilt of loss. With his son, he tries to be a father, his own father was and wasn't. Sanam plays the female lead who takes it upon herself to heal everyone. She is also harbouring otherworldly secrets.
Meanwhile, Fawad Khan was last seen in the Bollywood film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. He completed the Pakistani movie The Legend of Maula Jatt with Humsafar co-star Mahira Khan, Hamza Ali Abbasi, and Humaima Malik. It is said to be one of the most expensive films made in the country. Due to the pandemic, the release has been delayed. Sanam Saeed last worked in 2019 series Deedan.
ALSO READ: Fawad Khan turns 40 by serenading guests with a soulful rendition of ‘Dilbar Mere’; reunites with Zindagi Gulzar Hai actress Sanam Saeed